Monday, December 17, 2007

First Steps with Pylons

I have written previously about how impressed I was with Ruby on Rails (RoR) when I first came across it about a year or so ago. For me, it represented a shift in the way web applications were designed - rather than build an individual application from scratch, the framework generates a template which can be extended as needed for the given application. Obviously, convention over configuration is an important aspect of this approach, since the template code will expect to find files with the "right" name and in the "right" location.

However, I did not know the Ruby scripting language, and in spite of my best efforts, I haven't been able to muster up enough interest to take the time and learn it. For one, Maven 2.x offers a similar (although not as complete) functionality to build application archetypes, and since I mostly do Java web application development for a living, it seemed a better investment of my time to work with Maven2 and Java. Second, although RoR seems to have impressive mindshare among the web literati, my personal experience is that customers expect a mid to large scale apps to be in Java. They usually don't have an opinion about smaller scale (3-10 page) apps, but I find PHP far simpler, more natural, and more than up to the task for building one of these. So there is not enough incentive for me to learn a language in order to use a framework that I will hardly ever use.

However, PHP uses the "code-in-page" approach, which is not easy to maintain once the application grows beyond a certain size. What I needed was a MVC framework based on a scripting language I already knew and enjoyed working in. Happily, when looking recently, I found not one, but three popular open source MVC frameworks based on Python - Django, TurboGears and Pylons.

Of these, TurboGears and Pylons are more glue-like, assembling the framework from a variety of other open source sub-frameworks. It is also possible to switch out some of the sub-frameworks and replace it with another if its a better fit for the application or the programming environment.

I started playing with TurboGears, since that is the more mature (and more stable, I hoped) framework of the two. Unfortunately, I could not get tg-admin to build my application template, because there were some modules mismatches with Python 2.5. After spending an afternoon trying to debug the problem, I gave up and tried Pylons. Installation was a breeze, partly because I already had some of the components installed for TurboGears, but there were absolutely no surprises, and everything worked as expected. I was able to get through the Getting Started (a Hello World style web application) and the Quick Wiki Tutorials within the next couple of days.

As I mentioned above, Pylons is composed of a number of sub-frameworks, each of which are independent projects in their own right. The Paster component provides commands to build an application template, similar to Maven2's archetype:create command, and to deploy the application as a Python egg (similar to WAR files in Java web applications). It also provides a built in HTTP webserver to test the application, similar to Maven2's Jetty plugin.

For database access, Pylons uses the SQLAlchemy project, which provides a Hibernate like API to access database tables and rows as Python objects. These are called model objects in Pylons. Each table (or logical group of tables) is modelled as a Python class. The SQLAlchemy engine is injected into the environment using a Python call in The engine exposes a Session object, similar to Hibernate, from which a Query object is extracted. Method calls on the Query object translate to SQL queries to the database. However, the caller only sees application objects. This approach works great when the application gets to decide the database schema, but would probably be slightly more difficult (although not impossible) when building an application against an existing database. In this respect, it has the same limitations as Hibernate. I still need to delve deeper into this though.

For the page rendering subsystem, Pylons uses the Mako templating framework. Mako templates have markup that seems to be a superset of JSTL-style tags and something like Velocity-style tags. The JSTL style tags work off predefined model objects which are injected by Pylons controllers. Personally, I think its a bit confusing to have two kinds of markup, but I guess it may have just evolved that way. Although I am still new to Pylons, I think this would be one of the candidate subsystems where I may be tempted to look for alternatives.

The controller subsystem is provided by Pylons itself, and it is all straight generated Python code. There is a provided BaseController object which all application controllers must extend. The structure of an application controller seems to be similar in style to a Spring MultiActionController, with each public method mapped to a URL pattern, and representing a user action.

To route user URLs to the appropriate controller method, Pylons uses the Routes project. The default routes are set up an in-memory Python dictionary data structure. Additional application specific mappings are added to this structure using additional map.connect() calls in This approach appears to be more powerful than Spring XML configuration, in that it allows regular expressions as well. TurboGears uses @expose annotations within the controller methods to do this, which may or may not be better depending on your point of view.

Thus, for a Java programmer who has worked with Maven2, Spring and Hibernate, getting started with Pylons is likely to be quite easy, probably more so than RoR. Of course, it would help if you already knew some Python. I think the relative popularity of RoR among Java programmers is because a lot of them would list Perl as their favorite scripting language, and Perl to Ruby is not that much of a stretch. Perl used to my favorite scripting language at one point, but ever since I began to use Python, reading and writing Perl code is less fun than it used to be. Python is very Java like in a lot of respects, although it is much more concise.

I think that another reason for the relative obscurity of Python based MVC frameworks is the availability of too many choices. Given that Python's philosophy is that "there should be one — and preferably only one — obvious way to do it", I can see how multiple frameworks could be anathema to Python programmers. However, jokes apart, this does dilute the focus of any serious efforts at popularizing a framework. Unlike RoR, there is no one "right" way to do rapid MVC development in Python. However, this is changing, and the two top contenders (in my opinion) in this space are TurboGears and Pylons. The two are very similar, although each glues together different sets of sub-projects. As Ian Bicking states:

I'd have a hard time describing the technical differences (between TurboGears and Pylons) in a meaningful way to someone who didn't already know something about Python web development.
However, TurboGears 2.x will be based on Pylons, so soon Python web developers will have one uber MVC framework to work with, possibly composed of the best sub-projects from either framework. Of course, in keeping with the "glue" philosophy, I expect that the programmer would be able to switch a component out with another one in the same category if required.


  1. I'm surprised that you think TurboGears and Pylons are the two top contenders: Django has more people on its mailing lists and a much larger list of deployed sites that are running Django live on the Web:

  2. It's really only my personal opinion based on a very cursory look at the three frameworks. I actually thought Django was closer to RoR than the other two, in the sense that both offer complete solutions to build database driven webapps. I think (and I may be wrong) that it may be harder to build non-database driven webapps with Django than with either TG or Pylons. The other thing that influenced my opinion is the the fact that they are both assembled using external components. Chances are, this will allow them to grow quicker because they can leverage existing functionality and enhancements in these sub-projects, and programmers who are familiar with the sub-projects may gravitate to them because of the lower barrier to entry.

  3. It shouldn't be any harder to write non-database apps using Django than Pylons or TurboGears - Django's ORM is strictly optional, and without it you still benefit from Django's URL dispatcher, view handling and template system.

    In principle you would expect TurboGears and Pylons to evolve faster due to their use of external components - but the past two years have shown that not to be the case. It turns out that not owning the components makes it much harder to keep them integrated and (more importantly) documented.

  4. Ok, you've convinced me :-). I will give Django a shot and post my experiences here shortly.


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